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reader, Novel thermometer measures temperatures during quantum calculations

Novel thermometer expands opportunities in quantum computing and thermodynamics
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4 August 2021
Novel thermometer expands opportunities in quantum computing and thermodynamics.

Novel thermometer expands opportunities in quantum computing and thermodynamics

The device can simply and quickly measure temperatures during quantum calculations with extremely high accuracy. Read more →

Measuring microLED displays for luminance, color correction.


Measuring microLED displays for luminance, color correction

Learn scientific imaging methods used to measure microLED subpixels. This white paper discusses the impact of microLED nonuniformity and methods that optimize pixel measurement and correction to increase yield of high-quality displays.

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Take part in development of new PC oscilloscope user interface.

Take part in development of new PC oscilloscope user interface

Pico Technology's PicoScope 7 Early Access program allows users to view progress, report bugs and provide feedback. Read more →

Artificial 'chameleon skin' detects seafood spoilage with color change.

Artificial "chameleon skin" detects seafood spoilage with color change

A two-luminogen hydrogel chemosensor changes color in response to amine vapors released by microbes as fish spoils. Read more →

The Asterion® AC series — 17 models from 500 VA to 24 kVA

AMETEK Programmable Power

The Asterion® AC series — 17 models from 500 VA to 24 kVA

The Asterion line of AC power sources by AMETEK Programmable Power combines intelligence and adaptability to create an advanced platform of AC solutions that deliver the widest voltage ranges.

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Metrology-grade 6.4M counts/rev for rotary tables and CMM applications

Gurley Precision Instruments

Metrology-grade 6.4M counts/rev for rotary tables and CMM applications

The 8x60 rotary incremental encoder offers 6.4 million counts/rev resolution and ±1.25 arcsec accuracy. It is used in applications like CMMs, rotary tables, and antenna-positioning. See our data sheet for specifications.

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Breakthrough in high-volume testing for automotive/consumer advanced 3D magnetic sensors.

Breakthrough in high-volume testing for automotive/consumer advanced 3D magnetic sensors

A new 3D magnetic generator design delivers magnetic field accuracy of less than 5 µT for wafer level probing of 3D angular magnetic sensors. Read more →

Next generation oscilloscope offers enhanced usability, performance.

Next generation oscilloscope offers enhanced usability, performance

The device includes high waveform rate, excellent signal fidelity, a powerful digital trigger and responsive deep memory. Read more →

Audience article submissions now welcome.


Audience article submissions now welcome

Engineers teaching engineers — that is the goal of the Expert Contributors program. Share your expertise with our audience. Start a conversation. Trade perspective.

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Issue 13 | Vol 10




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